Monthly Archives: October 2015

How to Deal with Exercise Induced Asthma

Nearly 13 percent of the US population suffers from exercise-induced asthma which is specifically known as exercise induced bronchospasm. It occurs in people who otherwise do not suffer from asthma and are not even affected by asthma triggers such as dust, pollen, or animal dander. However, athletes or non-athletes may all suffer from symptoms of asthma during exercise.


The cause of exercise-induced asthma may vary from individual to individual but it is usually due to the loss of water or heat in the lungs, as a person engages in exercise. This loss of water, heat, or both, occurs due to increased ventilation of air that is dry and cool.

People who suffer from exercise-induced asthma have sensitive airways that react instantly to any changes in the humidity and temperature, especially when breathing in colder, dryer air.


Symptoms of exercised induced broncho-constriction may occur during exercise or after a few minutes and may continue for 30 minutes or more if not treated.

These symptoms include:

  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Tightness of chest or pain
  • Feeling fatigued during exercise
  • Feeling a shortness of breath
  • Poor athletic performance
  • Prevention and Treatment

If you want to prevent asthma from spoiling your exercise routine, here are some tips to follow:

  • Warming up before the exercise is important and helps prevent the symptoms.
  • If you are exercising in a chilly area, it’s better to take good precautions against the cold by covering your mouth and nose so that you inhale warm air.
  • Exercise in a well ventilated area with warm air.

Usually, people who suffer from this kind of asthma use an inhaler. It is taken 15 minutes before the exercise and can help you for the next 4-6 hours.

Severity According To Sports

One of the greatest stimuli for exercise-induced bronchospasm is dry and cold air, so the condition is usually associated with people who play sports in cold areas, such as skiers. Other sports, which include long periods of running or exertions, such as soccer, hockey, basketball, or field hockey, are more likely to suffer from such asthma. Other sports that are less likely to cause you trouble include hiking, baseball, wrestling, golf, football, leisure biking, gymnastics or walking.

It can sometimes become difficult to differentiate between chronic asthma and exercise induced asthma. So if the symptoms remain even after taking your inhaler, it might be a sign of chronic asthma. Sometimes, an underlying inflammation that goes undetected results in asthma too. It’s thus, important to get it checked. Asthma can be controlled and it gives you no excuse to skip exercise.

For a thorough checkup, contact us today at 212-319-5282 to book your appointment with top NYC allergist Dr. Sneeze.

How to Deal With Food Allergies and Food Intolerance

Have you encountered a situation where you ate something and vomited shortly afterwards or suffered from severe rashes on your body as an adverse effect? Such reactions to foods are either due to food allergies or food intolerance and because the two conditions have similar symptoms, the terms are often used interchangeably. Here, let’s look at the difference between the two, their causes, symptoms and treatment:

Difference between Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

An allergic reaction to food is more serious than food intolerance. Food allergies can affect multiple body organs at the same time and can also be life threatening in certain cases. People who suffer from food allergies thus, need to be very careful and aware of the foods that they cannot consume. In contrast, food intolerance is less severe and may not mean that you have to abstain from the food entirely. You may be able to consume the food in small amounts or in some other form and successfully prevent any reactions from it.


Food intolerance may be caused due to a number of reasons, such as the absence of any enzyme critical to the digestion of that particular item or irritable bowel syndrome causing diarrhea or constipation. Other reasons may include extra sensitivity to food additives, such as preservatives used in canned foods, or other psychological or stress factors that although, haven’t been fully understood, can cause some people to feel sick even when they simply think about the food item.

On the other hand, a food allergy is caused by a confused immune system. Exactly why that happens is unclear but in a food allergy, the immune system sees beneficial and harmless substances as a threat, leading to a release in chemicals that can cause the allergic reaction.

Signs and Symptoms

As the two conditions are similar and often confused together, they also share some common signs. However, it is important to differentiate between the two to seek the right treatment and keep your condition controlled. Shared symptoms of the conditions include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Particular signs that you have a food allergy include itchy skin or rashes, chest pain, shortness of breath and a drop in blood pressure level. On the other hand, signs of food intolerance include heartburn, headaches, bloating or cramps, and nervousness or irritability.


While the symptoms and signs of food allergy and food intolerance are apparent and a person can find out easily that they are having problems consuming some foods, the diagnosis to rule out any one of the conditions, rests in the hands of a professional allergist.

Thus, it is critical that after you experience the first signs of intolerance or allergy from any kind of food, you visit an allergist who can better treat your condition. Consequently, maintain a diary and be mindful to note the exact reaction of your body after eating the certain food, so you can tell the doctor the signs you experienced to make the diagnosis easier. For advice or to schedule an appointment with an allergist doctor in NYC, contact us today.

Serving all of New York City and the Tri State Area including Zip Codes: Top Allergist NYC Midtown, Chelsea and Clinton: 10001, 10011, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10036 | Gramercy Park and Murray Hill: 10010, 10016, 10017, 10022 | Greenwich Village and Soho: 10012, 10013, 10014 | Lower Manhattan: 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10038, 10280 | Lower East Side: 10002, 10003, 10009 | Upper East Side: 10021, 10028, 10044, 10128 | Upper West Side: 10023, 10024, 10025

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